Working-Mom Guilt

by - December 11, 2016

Being a parent is tough. I think we all constantly worry that we're not doing enough, that we're making a billion mistakes, that we're not there enough. That last one is what I've been struggling with lately - working-mom guilt.

I love my job. It is an absolute privilege to be able to do what I do every day, and I've worked very hard to get to where I am in my career, but opportunities get off early when you work in news, especially when you're a producer, are few and far between.

My typical weekday starts between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. If I'm lucky, it starts at 6:00 and Alexis sleeps until 7:00, which means I get an uninterrupted hour to get ready for the day and then another hour to spend with her. If I'm not lucky, she wakes up before my alarm, is grumpy because she didn't get the sleep she needs, and the morning is spent fighting to get ready so we can leave the house by 8:00. Alexis is at daycare by 8:15 so I can be at work by 8:30. I get off as soon as my show ends at 5:30, pick Alexis up no later than 6:00 depending on traffic, and we're home usually by 6:30. Her bedtime is 8:00.

Even on days when daddy is off, I still only get to spend a few hours a day with Alexis during the week. And even though I'm a big believer in daycare and the social skills Alexis is learning while there, I still feel guilty that some days she spends more than eight hours there.

When we get home in the evenings, there's dinner to be made, bath time to get through and the all-important bedtime routine to follow. It's 8:00 before I know it, and although Alexis' day is done, there are still things on my to-do list like dishes or laundry, but most nights I'm ready to fall into bed as soon as I know she's asleep. So then there's the guilt of daily household chores often left undone, not to mention the guilt that comes along with feeling like you don't have enough to give of yourself to your partner.

Is there no end to working mom guilt?!

I don't actually have an answer to that, but I am working on ways to feel less guilty about the things I can't or don't do. I'm also working on appreciating the personal time I get instead of constantly feeling like I should be doing something other than something that's just for me.

Are you a fellow working mom? What tips or advice do you have for overcoming working-mom guilt?

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