PHOTO POST: Alexis's 3 Year Update

by - April 17, 2018

And just like that, my baby is 3. I have no idea where the time has gone! This girl loves makeup and frilly dresses just as much as she loves playing in the dirt. She's learning how to play with others and share. We've got part of potty training down but still working on number two. She loves to help with everything from cooking to gardening and everything in between.

She still loves her Little People but is playing more and more with Barbies. She loves to take pictures so now she has her own camera (VTech) that also has educational games (we'll talk about that in an upcoming post about screen time). She's learning to ride a bicycle (12") and would spend all day in the backyard on her new swingset. Her favorite foods are chicken nuggets, tacos, and spaghetti. She also likes to each chili which blows my mind.

Probably the biggest development of the last year was Alexis being diagnosed with asthma. Most children outgrow it, but her daddy's side of the family has a history of asthma so we'll just have to wait and see. In the meantime it has changed our day-to-day life, not drastically in the scheme of things but enough to make a difference.

So here's to another year of being mama to this smart, independent, sassy toddler.

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  1. Hi, Ashton!

    Alexis is precious! How proud you must be. With a smart mom like you I am sure she is getting a head start learning about the world and developing skills and talents. I am sorry to learn that she was diagnosed with asthma. I hope she grows out of it. That last picture is suitable for framing!

    If there is any way you could spare a minute to visit my blog tomorrow or in the six days that follow, I would be grateful, dear friend. I will be observing a special birthday and would appreciate your support.

    Have a great week, Ashton!
