Weekly Wisdom

by - March 26, 2023

I can't believe this is the last weekend and week of March. This month flew by, the last two weeks especially. I gave a really brief life update in my post from yesterday, so this post will be super short.

On Saturday we went to what has become my favorite Spring festival in our area. It wasn't as fun as last year's but the rain can be blamed for that. Several activities were canceled and some of the vendors didn't show. Still, we enjoyed the brief time out of the house and plan on going back next year.

This is the last week before our Spring Break, so I'm sure it will be crazy and hectic, especially since last week we were testing pretty much every day. We'll be wrapping up poetry, finishing an argumentative essay, and hopefully squeezing in a Milestones prep activity to get students familiar with the online format. Then I plan on not doing anything school-related for Spring Break at all. Then when we come back it will be two weeks of review, review, review before the Milestones starts, and then we'll have three weeks before school is out for the summer.

So far we have no definitive plans for Spring Break. I want to go somewhere, if even just for a few days, but I also don't want to spend a ton of money. But the weather is supposed to be nice and warm, although our pecan trees still don't have any buds so I'm fairly certain we've got one more cold snap left.

I think that's pretty much it. I need to get some laundry going and load the dishwasher. Then I plan on mostly taking it easy for the rest of my weekend. I hope you all have a great rest of your weekend and a wonderful week ahead.

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