3 Things Saving My Sanity Right Now

by - December 20, 2023

There are five days left to Christmas! How is that possible?! It feels like just yesterday we were on Thanksgiving Break... Although, to be fair, the three weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks flies by super quickly. There's progress monitoring tests to be given, holiday shopping to be done, and all the regular parts of life to see to.

I feel like, though, that my life has been one big blur since the end of summer. I chose this path, obviously, but going through teacher certification while teaching is no joke, y'all. It's a lot. I did, thankfully, get ahead on the work and had a few weeks where I felt like I could breathe a little easier, but I've still got a lot to get through to be fully done.

So to say that this nearly three-week break is needed would be a major understatement. I've got two things to grade, four assignments to do for my program, and I need to actually plan for when students come back in January while making sure I put together something that works for the big part of my certification course since that will be what ultimately determines if I pass or fail.

Clearly my commitment to the blog has fallen to the wayside over the last few months as I muddle my way through everything else that's going on in my life. This isn't a catch-up post, though. I just wanted to take a little time to share three products that have made my life a tad bit easier the last several weeks.

This is my go-to product for keeping my waves/curls looking decent between washes. My favorite part about this spray is how good it smells.

I discovered this while searching for my favorite chapstick, which I never did find... Lipstick is not something I really have time for at school, mostly because I can't reapply in the middle of a class without it being a big deal. This tinted balm helps fill that gap, and I don't even need a mirror to use it!

Okay, so this cream is more expensive than I typically share, but it really is that good. I got this in a FabFitFun box and have fallen in love. Every time I use it, my skin sighs in relief. It helps keep my pores clear, too, which is pretty amazing.

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