Monday Motivation + Summer Update

Happy Monday, friends! How's your summer going so far? We've been experiencing triple-digit heat for the past week or so, making outside activities pretty much unbearable, but we are getting outside early and/or late in the day for bike riding, chalk drawing, bubble blowing, sprinkler fun and swinging. We've also been doing at least one out-of-the-house activity a week. We go to the library every Tuesday for story and craft time and to check out new books, of course. We've also been to a puppet show at the library and two Animal Adventures at Landmark Park. We have not been to the water as much as I'd like, but we've still got a month and a half until school starts.
This past month has been a challenge. I knew that taking Alexis out of daycare and still having to work would be an adjustment. I don't think I realized just how much of an adjustment it would be or how little time to myself I would have this summer. I'm not complaining by any means. I've loved having her home and getting to do all these fun summer activities with her. I just wasn't mentally prepared for the reality that is working from home with a four-year-old. So shoutout to all the parents who do this every day. You're the real MVPs.
I hope your summer is going great so far! Enjoy these (very few) pictures from some of our adventures so far.
Animal Adventures with Big Bend Wildlife Sanctuary - Owls |
Gene Cordova's puppet show at the library. |
Animal Adventures - Reptiles (With grandma and grandpa. Mama doesn't do snakes!) |
Storytime at the library featuring dragons. |
After the stories we made our own dragons. |
Celebrating the first official day of Summer with an ice cream cone. |