Monday Motivation + What I'm Currently Reading

Last week was ... well, weird. I had a pretty big bomb dropped on my middle of the week before that consumed pretty much all of my thoughts for the remainder of that week. Then there was my brother's wedding over the weekend, at which I had agreed to take photos. Once that was over with, it was right back to thinking about the bomb and how I should handle it. It's actually still not been handled, but I put forth my thoughts (and subtle demands), and the ball is no longer in my court so to speak.
I had my final post-op appointment last week. Everything is moving along as expected. My stitches look good, but the edges still need a couple weeks to finish closing up all the way. I was given the all clear to drive (yay!) and to start back exercising moderately. I still have to be careful twisting and bending and won't be picking up anything heavy for awhile longer. I did get to take a bath but probably won't be venturing into any lakes, rivers, or oceans for awhile. It apparently will take my body about six months total to fully bounce back from this surgery.
So the last week and a half have been busy, both literally and figuratively. I did manage to get one blog post written for last week, but it was definitely a spur of the moment thing and not what I had originally planned. I'm working on those for later this week and maybe next. In the meantime, I thought I would share the books I'm currently reading. Of course, by the time you read this, I may have finished one or two of them, although I am trying to pace myself.

The Secret Life of Mrs. London - You'll remember this book from my 30 Books I Want to Read post earlier this summer. It's a period drama about the wife of author Jack London (White Fang) and the love triangle she finds herself involved in with magician Harry Houdini.
The Unwanted Challenge - This is the second book in the Empath Found series. Fi has spent her life avoiding crowds and the onslaught of emotions that aren't hers. When she throws a man out of a window without laying hands on him, Fi learns she's not human. Not only is she fae, but as an empath, Fi has a power thought to be extinct, a power that could get her killed.
Harley Merlin and the Cult of Eris - I've been making my way through this series for the better part of a year. This is book six. I kept getting ads literally everywhere about the next Harry Potter, so I finally downloaded book one. Harry Potter it is not, but to be honest the story doesn't even try to be so I'm not sure why the publisher even put that out there. That said, I'm enjoying the series. Harley is one of the most powerful magicals of the time, but she has to overcome the sins of her family past and present.
Finding Home - In my last Monday Motivation post, I talked about the first two books in Emilia Finn's Checkmate series. I've finished that series only to discover there are three other series based on the secondary characters in those books. Finding Home is the first book in the first series of this world. This book focuses on UFC fighter Bobby Kincaid and the woman who will become his wife, Kit.
A Court of Thorn and Roses - My best friend has been nagging me to read this book for awhile now. I needed a break from fairy tale retellings, but I'm finally cracking the cover of this Beauty and the Beast recounting.