Monday Motivation

by - February 01, 2021

It's the first day of February! How did that happen? Not that I'm complaining, really. January is always kind of a tough month, especially in my business. It's usually a really slow time of year, but I found myself busy all. month. long. It was an interesting change.

This past weekend was really nice. Alexis spent the weekend with my parents and Chris had to work, so I had some much-needed alone time. I slept in both days and spent most of my time working on the book I've been writing. I also did some of the household chores I let slide during the week, but it was nothing intensive.

In other news, we've been looking at stoves to replace our all-but-dead one. We currently have a glass top, which I absolutely hate. I hope to one day upgrade to gas but the timing isn't right. I'm ready to have a fully-functioning oven again. I haven't cooked a full meal in weeks!

As for this week, my schedule doesn't look too crazy busy. It's mostly my March issue planning week, but I do have lunch with a friend mid-week.

Ok, I've spent enough time lollygagging with this post. I need to get to work! I hope you all have a great week!

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