Monday Motivation

by - July 26, 2021

Did you know I have an entire board on Pinterest dedicated to inspiring words, graphics, memes, etc.? Anytime I see something that gives me motivation or inspiration or just plain good advice, I save it there, and every week I go through them to see what speaks to me, and boy, did this one speak to me today!

If you focus on the good, the good increases.

After a week where everything seemed to just keep piling up, I needed this reminder to stop getting hung up on the negative things that happened. In fact, other than talking about the cat getting sick and needing an emergency vet visit, I'm going to leave it at this: last week was a week, and I'm glad it's over.

The weekend was decidedly better. On Saturday we just hung out as a family: watched a movie, browsed in a few stores, and had a relaxed evening. On Sunday, we had lunch with extended family for my Granny's birthday.

Our last big summer activity wraps up today. Alexis finally got to do swimming lessons, and we're having the last day this afternoon because we lost one day to a storm. We've also got plans to visit our local water park one day, if it doesn't rain (you truly never know here), and Alexis is getting a long overdue haircut.

Otherwise, I'm putting the finishing touches on the August magazine today and sending it to the printer. Then I'll be getting the website changed over for the next month.

I hope you all had a good weekend and an even better week! Remember, focus on the good!

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