Monday Motivation

by - November 01, 2021

Happy first Monday of November and day after Halloween! Are you in a candy coma? We did our trick-or-treating on Saturday, so we had a full day to recuperate.

This year we did a full-on family-themed costume for trick-or-treating, and it was a hit. We didn't see any other Scooby Doos, although we did cross paths with a Velma (she was accompanied by a giant chicken). It was nice and cool, but not cold, and Alexis got a pretty good treat haul.

I am still feeling the after-effects of all the walking. I've got these flats in two other colors and have never had any problems with them, but this lilac pair must be a little different. They rubbed so badly that by the end of our trick-or-treating, I was walking solely on the balls of my feet. Needless to say, my left ankle is in agony, and the rest of that leg from the knee down isn't doing much better.

Alexis is unexpectedly at home today. We found a few nits in her hair at bedtime last night, too late to go to the store. Thankfully it wasn't a lot and they're not big, so we're confident that an over-the-counter treatment will take care of it.

Otherwise, I'll be finishing up the November front page of the website today. I got behind last week with personal appointments and taking a little time to just breathe. Thankfully, I got a majority of it all done last week. I've just got to upload the cover, get everything published, and swap it over from October to November. Easy peasy.

In other news, the last two months of the year are always super crazy busy, both with work and my personal life, and most years I find myself sliding into a burnout that leaves me feeling almost depressed. With that in mind, I've decided to scale back my posting schedule and give myself two days off each week, Friday and Saturday. I'll still be active on my social media (links at the top of this page) and with my weekly newsletter (sign up here).

As for this month, I've got some fun stuff planned, including my annual Working Mom's Gift Guide and Holiday Movie List.

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday and a great week!

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