12 Holiday Activities for Families

by - November 10, 2021


It's the most wonderful time of the year! It doesn't really matter where you live, the holidays are a special time for families and friends.

My family has several holiday traditions. We always go looking at Christmas lights, and Alexis gets to pick a new ornament for the tree. Since the holiday season is officially underway, I put together a list of some of our favorite things to do this time of year.

12 Holiday Activities for Families

Look at Christmas lights - There are several neighborhoods in our area that do big light displays synced to music. We also really enjoy walking through the decorations at our local Botanical Garden.

Make Your Own Decorations - This is something that we're starting to get a little more into now that I'm working at home full-time. Try your hand at salt dough ornaments, garlands, paper snowflakes, etc.

Holiday Movie Marathon - Christmas movies are my favorite! Whether it's a cheesy Hallmark movie or a timeless classic like Meet Me in St. Louis, I can't get enough of holiday movies.

Go To a Show - Whether you're attending a local production of The Nutcracker ballet or heading out of town for something a little bigger, attending a holiday show as a family is such a fun experience!

Write Letters to Santa - Make things even more special by arranging for a Letter from Santa.

Give Back - There are tons of ways to give back this time of year. Some of my favorites are the Salvation Army Angel Tree, sending cards to soldiers overseas, Operation Christmas Child, Santa for Seniors, and Toys for Tots.

Make Christmas Cookies - Whether you're making them from scratch or buying pre-made dough, holiday baking is a tried-and-true way to get into the spirit. You could even have a cookie swap!

Decorate a Gingerbread House - This is one of Alexis's favorite things to do.

Make & Send Christmas Cards - Break out the construction paper and glitter glue and send a little cheer to your loved ones.

Go Ice Skating - This is something we used to do in college every year, and I'm very excited that this year our town will have its very own rink!

Attend a Festival or Holiday Market - There are so many of these in our area that I don't even know where to start. We've got plans to attend Whoville and possibly Christmas in Candyland.

Tacky Sweater Party - Make your own or buy one, it doesn't matter. The gaudier, the better!

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