Monday Motivation + 5 Things I Do to Stay Organized

We survived the first week of school! That statement has so much more meaning this year, doesn't it? Alexis's first day of kindergarten was not traditional. We didn't get to walk her to her classroom; we didn't even get out of the car, but the school did delay the start time for kindergartners so it was less hectic. I kept reminding myself that we technically didn't miss out on the first day of school since we got to walk Alexis to her first day of PreK last year. It was bittersweet, though.
That first day of school when I had the house to myself for an entire work day was a little surreal. I didn't know whether to tackle all of the small things that had been piling up over the past few months or take a nap. I ended up doing neither because it was magazine distribution day, but you get the feeling.
Getting back into a routine after six months without one is weird. We decided to do a few things differently from how we did them last year to try to make our mornings a little easier (read more about that here). I still am not a morning person, but even I like to get things done early. Now that school is back in session, my calendar will be filling up. When you're a working mom, especially if you work from home, keeping track of important dates and all the things that need to be done can be a task in itself. Lucky for you, being organized is one of my best skills. Here are five things I do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to stay organized.

Make monthly weekly goals and daily to-do lists. At the start of every month, I set my work deadlines. At the beginning of every week, I write down my weekly goals, and most importantly I make myself daily to-do lists. The monthly and weekly goals give me a big picture view of what I need to do, but the daily check lists keep me on track to actually meet those goals.
Put my important personal tasks on a weekly wall calendar. Those things are in my planner, as well, but they can get lost in all the other. So I recently added a weekly wall calendar to my office to keep track of birthdays, doctor's appointments, etc.
Set a start and end time for the work day. This may not seem like an organizational thing, but when you work from home it can be difficult to keep things separate. By setting an actual 'work day,' I'm better able to keep work and everything else on track.
Keep a detailed planner. My planner is almost like a bullet journal. I write down literally everything I did that day so there's never any question.
Tidy up my workspace/desk at the end of the day. I feel like this one is pretty self-explanatory, but having a neat, organized workspace is kind of a must for staying organized.
Do you have any organization hacks? Tell me about them in the comments!