Monday Motivation

by - September 21, 2020

It's the start of another week, and it will feel like fall for the most part thanks to Hurricane Teddy funneling some cool air from the north down our way. It was so nice to not feel like I was going to have a heat stroke on my morning walk/jog today. I've increased my total distance to a mile and can jog half of it, which I'm pretty proud of considering a little over a month ago I was barely able to walk a quarter mile.

Speaking of hurricanes, Sally has come and gone. Locally our schools shut down for two days but other than flooding in places that always flood we had no damage. I have several friends that live in and around where the storm made landfall, and thankfully they all had minimal damage. No Hurricane Michael repeats, thankfully.

My husband and I celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary on Tuesday. We didn't do anything big, just got takeout from our favorite Chinese restaurant and had a picnic lunch. Then we had a small celebration at home for his birthday on Friday, and grilled with his parents on Saturday. Then on Sunday the two of us spent a few hours at his hunting land. All in all it was a nice, relaxing weekend.

This is my last full week of getting things together for the October magazine, but in contrast to the last several months I'm not behind on my editorial content. I'm feeling quasi-positive about the end of the year. It's always my slowest time of the year, but I feel like we're starting to gather some steam in the wake of all the shut-downs. COVID has pretty much killed all of the momentum the magazine had going at the start of this year, but I'm trying to look forward as much as possible and be more creative in my efforts.

I hope everyone has a good week!

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