Monday Motivation + 2021 Goals Check-In

by - December 20, 2021


It's the Monday before Christmas. What?! And before you ask - No, I am not finished shopping. We've still got five people left to buy for, and no idea what to do for three of them.

This past weekend has been fairly exciting. We found out that my brother and sister-in-law are having a baby girl. Then my mom and I went to a local production of Elf the Musical with one of my friends and her mom. It was so much fun! Saturday was kind of a wet, blah day. I spent a good bit of it reading. Then on Sunday, I went shopping with my parents.

Every year around this time I look back on the goals I set and kind of grade myself. Last year, if you'll recall, was not a good year for my goals, and I didn't accomplish a single one. So I've honestly been a little scared to evaluate my 2021 goals, but here we go. I'll put the original goal in bold, and follow it up with how I think I did.

Rebuild the magazine.
I'm happy to report that this particular goal, while nowhere near complete, has been going nicely. The first few months of 2021 were a little rocky, but we started to pick up steam and were at or just below our pre-Covid numbers.

Be more intentional with social media.
I feel like this will be my most improved category for the year, especially the second half of the year. I picked up a little side hustle selling hair and skincare products, which forced me to really look at my social media.

Share more parenting resources.
I was pretty hit or miss with this one. I originally decided to use my Twitter account for this sole purpose, but since getting out of news, I honestly don't even think about Twitter, and I can't even tell you the last time I posted. I do think I've done better about sharing on the blog's Facebook page, though.

Write more for the magazine's blog.
This is actually a moot point now. We redesigned the website and the blog section went away.

Have a better household chore routine.
The intent of this one was to stay on top of dishes and laundry. I've done a fairly decent job on the laundry aspect, but the dishes have been a source of contention.

Write a little every day.
I'm pretty sure I accomplished this goal, just not in the original way that I intended it.

Spend time outside daily.
This didn't happen daily, but I definitely spent a lot of time outside.

Take a damn vacation.
I was only able to get one in, but Alexis and I did spend nearly an entire week in south Florida with my college roommate for Spring Break.

Schedule more time with friends.
I don't think I failed in terms of this one, but I definitely did not spend as much time with friends as I would have liked. We'll blame Covid and the fact that we're all adults with jobs and kids and schedules that rarely line up.

So, all in all, not a bad year for goals. Did you accomplish what you set out to do this year?

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