Five Ways I Focus on Self-Care Every Day

by - October 05, 2021

How often do you practice self-care?

As a mom, it is extremely easy for my own health - both mental and physical - to fall to the wayside as I take care of a small person. But as I've gotten older and, I hope, wiser, I've started to schedule time that's just for me into every day. I can't be at my best for my daughter and husband, or any of the other people who are relying on me, if my cup is empty.

So what does self-care look like for me? First of all, I think it's important to understand the difference between self-care and basic needs.

Taking a shower to clean my body is a need.
Soaking in a bubble bath a few nights a week is self-care.

Getting six-to-eight hours of sleep at night is a need.
Taking a thirty-minute nap on a Tuesday because my body needs to rest is self-care.

Eating balanced meals every day is a need.
Going to lunch with a friend once a month for social fulfillment is self-care.

I'm not an expert by any means, but I believe that once you've established those key differences, your life can truly begin.

So, again, what does self-care look like for me? I mentioned earlier that I schedule me time every day. Even if it's just thirty minutes, having time to do something that is just for me helps to keep me  more balanced, focused, and happier.

Self-care has really been a focus for me this year. After I had surgery last year, I realized just how much of my life had been relegated by near-constant pain (not always debilitating but always uncomfortable). It was something that I had, unfortunately, grown used to in a very short time, but that wasn't as quick to remedy.

The biggest form of self-care that I embarked on this year has been starting a weekly workout regimen. I do yoga twice a week, and while it may be low impact it is certainly effective. For two hours each week, I leave everything on the mat. Yoga does for me what all the other exercising I tried did not. I leave each session feeling mentally lighter but physically stronger.

Bubble baths have always been my go-to stress reliever. I grab a book, a drink, and my favorite Dr. Teal's Foaming Bath, the Relax & Relief with eucalyptus and spearmint, and soak for thirty minutes to an hour a few nights each week.

On weekends, I focus on my hair, taking extra time in the shower to give it some TLC. My favorite products to use right now are the Monat scalp scrub and advanced hydration in-shower masque. Between the way they smell and the way they feel, it's like having a mini spa day.

My daily self-care revolves around books. Reading helps keep me centered by giving me a temporary escape from the real world. My Kindle Unlimited subscription plus my library card are must haves for my sanity.

And finally, when everything starts to feel like it's weighing me down, I simply unplug. I let my text messages go unanswered and social media go unread. Being able to disconnect and just exist quietly for a day or two goes a long way in recharging my batteries.

What does self-care look like for you?

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