Oh Happy Day!

by - August 26, 2010

No creepy phone call today!

But I must admit that I was pretty apprehensive about coming to work. By the time I'd driven across town, I'd pretty near worked myself into a state of anxiety. My heart was beating erratically, I was scanning my surroundings suspiciously. It was a whole new experience for me. Now I think I'll go buy some mace!

And now for some more happy news.
Today is mine and the boyfriend's seven month anniversary! I don't know what we'll do to celebrate. As much as two people on a limited income can do, I suppose. Which means we'll probably go to dinner and watch t.v. together. Ha.
Oh, and lucky me had my employee number pulled for a random drug test. So when I get off work I have the pleasure of driving to the drug place, sitting outside until it opens, and then peeing in a cup.

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  1. Yay for no creepy phone calls! But boo for random drug testing. But also yay fro seventh months of dating! Hoorah!

  2. Aw.. Happy 7th month anniversary to you and your boyfriend!! :)
